Maximize Your Coaching Investment
Beacon Leadership can streamline coaching and development of people in your organization to reduce expenses, provide insights, select and manage the right resources, and produce greater return for your coaching investment
Here's the problem...
Organizations often discover people have hired external coaches to help solve challenges. On its own that sounds terrific. In reality though, it can lead to:
Money spent without clear understanding of the value of the investment
Coaches being hired that may not be the best resource for the challenge
Leaders trying to solve challenges that aren't known to central administration
...and much more
Or, once an organization hires a coach or two they learn how challenging it is to select the right coach, manage coaching engagements, quantify and promote the value of coaching, and establish clear expectations and policies around the coaching process.
That's why you need Beacon.
How do organizations harness the power of coaching?
Bring visibility to the value of coaching without stifling flexibility and choice.
You don’t need to send a company-wide email that says anyone can get coaching. Coaching is a significant investment that can be controlled and provided to people that have the greatest potential to succeed and return value to the organization and your stakeholders.
Establish and manage a process for centralizing coaching.
Beacon will partner with you to act as gatekeeper to ensure the need for coaching is legitimate, build agreement on outcomes, manage the accounting, etc. In many organizations the cost for coaching starts with business units managing the budget for coaching but often moves centrally to control expenses while providing services to more enterprise-wide participants.
Technology + a dedicated external partner produces strong ROI.
Beacon uses a robust software solution to manage engagements, provide a resource library, collect stakeholder feedback, and more. Your dedicated Beacon Client Manager will help you track who’s being coached, information about their coach, what goals are being worked on, the results that are being generated per coachee, and the overall trends coming from the engagements. We'll help you determine when a coaching engagement should end or be extended, manage expenses, and promote the value of coaching to your organization.
Select the right coach to experience greater results.
A trained, certified, and experienced ICF coach can help you select the best coach for your people. Beacon has a deep bench of coaches that have been vetted through professional education, certification, and have a track record for delivering results., When your people need a coach, we will recommend several candidates for the client to consider, coordinate a meeting to determine if there is a good fit, setup the coaching engagement in a way that is visible to administration, and ensure a smooth and successful coaching experience. Say goodby to managing multiple contracts and paying numerous separate coaches. With Beacon, you'll have a one organization to contract, pay, and hold accountable for results. You'll save time, pay less, and your people will have the best coach for their unique personality and challenges.
Have extensive experience
Are International Coaching Federation Certified
Uphold high ethical ICF standards
Match their process to your goals
Are picked by you and evaluated for success

Benefits of Managed Coaching Services
Gain a trusted single point of contact for administration.
Apply consistent methods of delivery, tools, and success metrics
Discover themes across all coaching engagements.
Establish policies for deploying coaching bound to outcomes.
Leverage existing coaches or add new coaches as you grow.
Leverage lessons from coaching across the organization.
Beacon Will Help You
Select qualified coaches best suited for your unique challenges, goals, and budget.
Uphold professional standards of practice for your coaching team.
Monitor coaching activity and provide aggregate reports showing your metrics of success.
Conduct regular briefings to keep communication and feedback flowing in all directions.
Educate leaders and employees about coaching and how best to use it.
​​Prepare coaches to deliver coaching with the approach that works for your organization.
Troubleshoot and manage issues that arise in the delivery of coaching.
​​Oversee coach performance and survey participants to assess the quality and effectiveness of their experience.
Provide continuous learning and development opportunities to your coaching team specific to your ongoing needs.
Uphold professional standards of practice for your coaching team

Before we started using managed coaching services several of our business units had hired their own coaches. HR discovered what was happening only after coaching had been going on for nearly a year! Our leaders said they benefited a lot so we wanted to encourage coaching but needed more visibility to control expenses and manage the numerous coaching contracts. Getting information about who was being coached, what they were discussing, approving their goals, and knowing what results they were getting was much harder than we expected. Using an external partner helped us get control of the expenses, manage the numerous coaching engagements, and even get more selective about the coaches we utilized. We discovered themes that were happening across our different offices that led to more focused training and changes that improved our culture. It was great to finally get a grip on what was happening and gain back time we were spending trying to manage it all.
Chief Human Resources Officer
Biotech Industry