Here's the big idea...
Everyone has a leadership voice, whether they know it or not. From the most quiet to the most gregarious, we all have the ability to lead others.
The problem is...
Most people don’t know their leadership voice or how to use it. Some don’t know what it is, others are insecure in their voice and have been told it is unimportant, and others immaturely overuse their voice and dominate the airwaves.
Welcome to the 5 Voices...
The 5 Voices is designed to help every individual discover their leadership voice and be empowered to use it effectively.
We believe teams and whole organizations can be transformed when everyone operates securely in their own voice and learns to value the voices of others.

The Transforming Team Communication Program Will Help Your Team Experience:
Increased self-awareness and confidences as each person discovers their Leadership Voice
Deeper relational trust
True collaboration - every Voice is heard
Honest conversations become the norm
More robust decision making
Greater alignment and team performance

----- Curriculum -----
The 5 Voices Assessment
This program starts with having every individual take the 5 Voices Assessment. This assessment will help everyone identify their foundational leadership voice as well as their entire voice order.
5 Voices Team Dynamics: This workshop will set the stage for helping you understand all of the different Voices on the team and how they interact.
Discover Your Leadership Voice
Learn the behaviors and value of each of the 5 Voices and identify the natural Voice you use in the team.
The Power of Your Voice
Celebrate the contribution your Voice brings and learn the negative impact your Voice can have on others.
The Art of Collaboration
Get the best from each person in your team by learning to leverage and trust the strengths of their Voice.
Optimizing Team Performance
Learn how to create team alignment and synergy by harnessing the contribution of all 5 Voices.
Team Kryptonite
Apply practical tools to avoid the five main reasons why your team will not achieve its potential.
Wrap-up & Next Steps Call
Final meeting or call to capture key takeaways and establish next steps for continue growth going forward.