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Creative Pioneer Profile


What is the 5 Voices?


Everyone Speaks. Not Everyone is heard.


Everyone has a leadership voice, whether they know it or not. From the most quiet to the most gregarious, we all have the ability to lead others.


The problem is most people don't know their leadership voice or how to use it. Some don't know what it is, others are insecure in their voice and have been told it is unimportant, and others immaturely overuse their voice and dominate the airwaves.


The 5 Voices is designed to help every individual discover their leadership voice and be empowered to use it effectively.

Can you imagine a team of people who were self-aware, knew how to communicate, and were able to bring their best to the table everyday? What would that do for culture? For productivity? For Profitability?


In short, a lot.

We believe teams and whole organizations can be transformed when everyone operates securely in their own voice and learns to value the voices of others.

The 5 Voices helps achieve the following objectives:

Greater Self Awareness

Learn your voice and understand what it's like to be on the other side of your leadership.

Better Alignment

Discover the sweet spots of those on your team, get better aligned, and reach higher levels of performance.

Clear Communication

Communicate what you mean without people taking it the wrong way and getting offended.

Effective Delegation

Delegate more effectively to save time and increase productivity.

Quicker Decision Making

Learn how to listen better, ask helpful questions, and make quicker decisions.

The 5 Voices Assumptions


Our "Voice" is made up of all 5 Voices


Some voices are more natural to us than others


Maturity allows us to value the contribution each voice brings


Nature, Nurture, and Choice have all played a part


Don't assume you know what someone else's foundational voice is


Don't assume you know what each word means

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Your Results

Your Foundational Voice

The Creative Pioneer

Creatives are the conceptual architects and love to think outside the box.

They function as an “early warning radar system” for teams, often seeing the opportunities and dangers long before everyone else.

They are never satisfied with the status quo - they inherently believe things can always be better.

If the vision is compelling the word “can’t” is not in their vocabulary.

They often struggle with the fact that "people never seem to fully understand my ideas."

They exhibit a strong social conscience and desire for personal and organizational integrity.

Being internal perfectionists, they can often fail to celebrate the 90% that has been achieved, focusing instead on the 10% that hasn’t!

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Champion of

Future ideas, innovation, and organizational integrity.

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What to watch out for

Creatives can struggle to communicate effectively and have idealistic, perfectionistic tendencies.

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You make up 9% of the global population.

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How to empower them

Don't judge them on what they say first, help them communicate their ideas. Let them know it's ok to be wrong sometimes.

Your Voice Order


Your foundational Voice is Creative. The Creative Voice is the champion of future ideas, innovation, and organizational integrity, which we explained in more detail in the previous section. This is your strongest Voice through which you view the world, and the Voice through which all other Voices are expressed.


Your secondary Voice is Pioneer. Pioneers are champions of strategic vision, results, and problem-solving.

In the 5 Voices model, the secondary Voice plays a crucial role in how you express your overall “Voice”, which is why your Voice combination is referred to as “Creative Pioneer”.

Your Pioneer Voice is highly adept at envisioning a compelling future, thinking strategically, and solving problems. It’s important to note that your Pioneer Voice is expressed through the lens of your Creative Voice, which means that you leverage the Pioneer Voice to shape your new ideas in a scalable and effective way. Applying the logical, rational filter of the Pioneer Voice, you are able to sift through and refine complex, abstract ideas to simple and powerful insights.

The combination of these Voices as your top two strengths means that you are extremely future-oriented, highly strategic, and love thinking outside the box. You have the ability to spot opportunities and threats before they happen, and enjoy architecting innovative solutions to solve complex problems.


Guardian is your tertiary Voice, sometimes referred to as your third Voice.

In the 5 Voices model, the tertiary Voice is typically a Voice that you value and can access when it’s helpful, but might be more of a learned strength than a natural one. Also, because it’s third on the list, your expression of the Guardian Voice will be shaped through the filter of your first two Voices (the Creative and Pioneer). It will not be the same as a first Voice Guardian. In fact, you tend to utilize your Guardian Voice in specific situations to support your first two Voices.

For example, you might tap into the Guardian Voice to help you ask pointed, direct questions when you sense a mistake has been made, or is in danger of being made. You value the Guardian’s desire to maintain a just, fair, and accurate world because authenticity and integrity are core to your wiring.


Your 4th Voice, also known as your blindspot, is Connector. Connectors are the champions of relational networks, internal collaboration, and effective communication.

In the 5 Voices model, your 4th Voice is your blindspot because it’s typically the Voice (of the 5) that you might assume you are better at than you really are.

For example, you may align with the Connector’s ability to see a compelling vision of the future and engage key people to help you make it happen. But whereas the first Voice Connector will naturally connect with just about anyone, you will find yourself connecting with others in a more calculated, strategic way. Additionally, your tendency to view relational niceties as “unnecessary fluff” may prevent you from exercising the tone and tact necessary to build the same kind of relational capital that first Voice Connector’s tend to develop naturally.

Take time to understand the value of the Connector Voice and identify ways for you to step into maturing in this Voice over time.


Your 5th Voice, also known as your Nemesis, is the Nurturer. The Nurturer Voice is the champion of people, relational harmony, and values. The reason we call this your nemesis Voice is because Nurturers see the world in a way that is diametrically opposed from how you see the world.

This doesn’t mean that you cannot tap into the strength and values of the Nurturer Voice, it just means it will typically be the most difficult Voice for you to access and appreciate.

How does this manifest in your Voice? Well, it means that the typical strengths of the Nurturer - roles or tasks that involve a high degree of emotional sensitivity, or attention to the physical and emotional needs of others - can wear you out quickly. Instead, Creative Pioneers tend to express their Nurturer Voice and care of others through new and innovative ideas to care for others or by leveraging their strategic mind to consult and advise people toward solving their problems.

However, this is an area of growth for the Creative Pioneer. Learning some simple habits or tips that help you show others that they have your full attention, that you care about them, and that they are not just a pawn on your chess board will go a long way toward a healthy expression of the Nurturer Voice.

By taking time to understand how Nurturers view the world as well as how they process information, and make decisions, it will help you increase your maturity in using this Voice.

Strengths & Challenges

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Powerful conceptual thinkers, they love the challenge to create new and innovative ways of doing things. Their internal world is so rich they are rarely swayed by trends in popular culture or ideology. Incredibly clever, they have the capacity to think outside the box and flow against the tide of prevailing wisdom. They ask profound and penetrating questions in their desire to help people and teams find the truth.

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Creatives/Pioneers have a limited need for people and often struggle to communicate genuine warmth and invitation to relationship. Even to their teams they can often appear hard to read and distant. Most of the deep thinking and analysis happens inside their heads - they only come back to the team when they have their solution. Their default engagement is to critique and what comes out first is rarely what they meant to say!

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Suggested Growth Opportunities

Learning to share your thoughts and feelings with those closest to you. Invite others into your world and create regular opportunities for your team to hear what you are currently thinking and dreaming about. Choose to apprentice others in your skills and expertise, thus forcing you to think through how to make your unconscious competence available to others. Learn to value and affirm the contribution of others who see the world through a different lens.

Stress & Triggers

What happens under moderate stress?

You find yourself less patient with people and no longer value the contributions of others. You don’t get adequate time alone to process the possibilities. You lack significant relationships with those on your team/organization.

What happens under extreme stress?

You start to speak your doubts out loud, and question your own worth. You question whether or not you are the best person to lead the team.

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Danger Zone

The Danger Zone represents the potential we all have to hurt others with our words and actions when we are frustrated, unaware, accidental, or immature. Like weapons that can hurt others, these are harmful patterns of behavior that can be triggered by certain things that are unique to each Voice. It's important that we are aware of these things so that we can know ourselves to lead ourselves in a healthier direction. If we do not, we risk undermining ourselves, our relationships, and the team at large.


When a Creative Pioneer enters the Danger Zone, the damage they can do can be thought of like a Sniper (or a laser) that fires out of nowhere and drops their target with a sudden, piercing, and deadly criticism.

• Sharp and precise criticism
• Seems to come from nowhere
• Dismantles someone’s idea, argument, or character
• Shocking and Lacking Tact

Understanding Your Triggers

There are certain things that can trigger you to step into the danger zone. It's important that you are aware of these and spot them before it's too late.


• Incompetence and inefficiency
• Arrogance
• People appearing to dismiss your ideas
• Exaggeration of the truth

Getting Healthy

What does a healthy Creative Pioneer look like?


They have a highly developed intellect; one that loves the challenge of solving complex problems. They have a restless desire to challenge the status quo, continually seeking to push the boundaries of thought and innovation. They have the capacity to analyze others contributions and ask the piercing question that goes straight to the heart of a problem or opportunity. They have a rich inner world that is constantly seeking to explore and understand the wider world.

How do they stay healthy?


They need to schedule creative time to feed their rich internal world, time away from people and practicalities, where they get a chance to see the big picture again. They need to be strategic in how they invest their limited capacity to be physically, emotionally and intellectually present with people. They need to schedule time with their closest friends and create opportunities to explore big ideas and philosophical possibilities.

What does an unhealthy Creative Pioneer look like?


When they get overwhelmed by the emotional demands of the people in their life and don’t know how to extricate themselves. When they get locked into a routine of monotonous tasks that doesn’t allow them the intellectual space to dream and vision the future. When they perceive themselves to have failed in a task or if their competency / judgment are questioned in an unfair way.

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Liberation Statement

I need you to believe in me and my ideas, but don’t judge me on what I say first. Make sure you take the time and ask the questions to understand what I’m trying to say! Give me the space to dream and keep encouraging me to push new frontiers even if you can’t see it yet!

Connecting with Others

One of the most powerful uses of the 5 Voices is learning how to connect with others in an effective and productive way. To help you understand how to do that, take a look at the 5 Voices Dynamics tool, and learn the rules of engagement for each of the other Voices below.


[Warning: Do not assume you know what someone else's Voice is. Let them tell you what Voice they connect with before using these methods of connection]


The 5 Voices Dynamics is a powerful tool for understanding the primary differences between each of the 5 Voices. The simple, visual way it displays these differences allows us to easily facilitate conversations about significant team dynamics like team synergies, core strengths, key differences, and potential conflicts.


We start by defining the two axes that highlight the core functions/perspectives of each Voice.


  • The horizontal axis defines how people Process Information.

  • The vertical axis defines how people Make Decisions.


The two ends of the spectrum on each axis represent the primary differences in the Voices.


For the horizontal axis we discuss the dynamic of processing information from either a Present Oriented or Future Oriented perspective.


  • Present Oriented processors are focused on what they can touch, taste, see, hear, and feel. They live in the present and immediate world of today.

  • Future Oriented processors are focused on what is possible. They live in the future and more abstract world of possibilities that "could be" for tomorrow.


For the vertical axis we discuss the dynamic of decision making from either a Systems & Logic or People & Values perspective. Those who prefer to make decisions based on Systems & Logic will prefer using logical, rational, fact-based criteria that makes strategic sense within a particular system or framework. They value the "objective truth" as more important than feelings, emotions, or relational harmony. Separating their decisions from emotions and relational considerations enables them to make hard decisions. However, without developing a high level of emotional intelligence, this can leave others with the feeling that they are cold, calculating, or impersonal.


On the other hand, those who prefer to make decisions based on People & Values will prioritize relational harmony, impact on people, and alignment with core values. They value the health and betterment of people and relationships as the definition of success. This makes them strong champions of people and culture, but it can undermine the effectiveness of their decisions or influence with others if they don't support their position with a basis in fact and logical reasoning.


The location of each Voice is significant in how it informs our understanding of Team Dynamics.


Understanding that the Voices positioned opposite one another are diametrically opposed in their perspectives of how they take in information and make decisions is a key insight.


We call them Nemesis Voices. Nemesis does not mean they must be enemies, just that these people are wired to think opposite of each other. They must watch out for conflict and be intentional to recognize the value each brings.


In summary, these two axes represent the two most fundamental dynamics of personality that most significantly influence behavior.


Using this tool to better understand our team and ourselves will help us become stronger and more intentional resulting in higher performing teams.

Connecting with Nurturers

When connecting with Nurturers, it’s important to remember that they are the champions of due people, relational harmony, and values. As a Creative, you are the champion of future ideas, innovation, and organizational integrity.

It is also important to note that certain types of Creatives (Creative Pioneers) might find it more difficult to connect with Nurturers while other Creatives (Creative Connectors) will find it slightly easier given that they have a bit more overlap and similarity with the Guardian on their decision-making preferences.

For Creative Pioneers, it is important to realize that Nurturers are directly opposite of you in how they process information AND how they make decisions. For this reason, they are your “Nemesis Voice”. This doesn’t mean they have to be your enemy, it just means they see the world in a way that is diametrically opposed from how you see the world.

Neither view is better or worse than the other, they are simply different. Each Voice is valuable and brings a certain perspective and skill that the other does not have. It is crucial that you are aware of these differences as you seek to connect with Nurturers.

Processing Information

Nurturers are very present-oriented, which means they process information with an eye toward the present state of things, absorbing all the details of what is happening in the here and the now, especially as it relates to people. They prefer to move through the world in a sequential way, starting with “what is” and then moving forward one step at a time.

Creatives on the other hand are very future-oriented, which means you process information and your experiences in the world with an eye toward the future, the possibilities, and the vision for “what could be?”. You focus on the big-picture, looking for patterns behind what’s on the surface of things.

When interacting with Nurturers, you may find their focus on the present, and their attention to detail (especially around seemingly small relational and emotional nuances) as frustrating, or inefficient. Additionally, when it comes to making changes, Nurturers prefer incremental adjustments over time, seeking to avoid any harm or disruption to people, and tending to avoid making drastic changes. This slower pace of change and the Nurturer’s desire to see each step laid out on the path to the future may feel like they either don’t get it or are trying to slow you down, which can be frustrating.

But while their step-by-step approach to understanding the world around them differs from all Creatives (whether Creative Connector or Creative Pioneer), learning to appreciate this perspective can help you tremendously in your efforts to make your vision a reality.

Take time to affirm their care for people and desire relational harmony, and then invite them to build the bridge with you to the future you see. If you can do this, and point to tangible steps for how you’ll achieve your vision while being considerate of people, then you’ll find they are much more receptive to your ideas.

Decision Making

When it comes to decision-making, Nurturers tend to make decisions based on what helps people, maintains relational harmony, and aligns with their values. It doesn’t mean that they don’t use logic or think objectively, but they tend to define success in terms of the positive impact a decision has on people. For Nurturers, it’s almost impossible to separate people, emotions and relationships from the decision-making process.

For Creative Connectors, you probably feel highly aligned with this style of decision-making and will find it easier to understand and communicate with Nurturers from this perspective compared to other Creatives.

On the other hand, if you are a Creative Pioneer, then this can be a source of direct conflict because you will tend to prioritize logical frameworks, strategic effectiveness, and objective standards over relational harmony. It’s not that you don’t appreciate people, but it comes down to the fundamental belief of the Creative Pioneer that objective truth and logical consistency are more important than people’s feelings and relationships. For the Creative Pioneer, this is ultimately how people are best served, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the moment. This difference in how you make decisions is why Creative Pioneers may struggle to connect with Nurturers.

When interacting with Nurturers, it’s important to show them that you are considering the impact of your ideas or positions on people. If you can help Nurturers see how something makes the world better for people AND is more efficient through a concrete, tangible plan of action then you’ll find them much more receptive to your perspective.

Rules of Engagement for Connecting with Nurturers

• Be intentional to invite the Nurturer’s opinion with sincerity and attentiveness - they represent 43% of the population, whether you like it or not.
• Be careful of critiquing the Nurturer’s idea too quickly; affirm and draw out their thoughts first.
• Affirm the Nurturer’s commitment to champion our people and defend our values.

Connecting with Connectors

When connecting with Connectors, it’s important to remember that they are the champions of relational networks, internal collaboration, and effective communication. As a Creative, you are the champion of future ideas, innovation, and organizational integrity.

It is also important to note that certain types of Creatives (Creative Pioneers) might find it more difficult to connect with Connectors while other Creatives (Creative Connectors) will find it slightly easier given that they have more overlap and similarity with the Connector on their decision-making preferences.

Neither view is better or worse than the other, they are simply different. Each Voice is valuable and brings a certain perspective and skill that the other does not have. It is crucial that you are aware of these differences as you seek to connect with Connectors.


Processing Information

Connectors are very future-oriented, not too dissimilar from you. The Connector loves to spend time brainstorming, discussing, and imagining a world that does not yet exist. Creatives, like you, tend to be very comfortable with abstract concepts, and easily able to grasp the big picture vision that Connectors are so passionate about. Spend time with Connectors dreaming about the future and brainstorming about ideas, possibilities, and innovation.

Decision Making

When it comes to decision-making, Connectors tend to make decisions based on what helps people, maintains relational harmony, and aligns with their values. It doesn’t mean that they don’t use logic or think objectively, but they tend to define their vision and success in terms of the positive impact of what they are doing on people. For Connectors, it’s almost impossible to separate people, emotions and relationships from the decision-making process.

For Creative Connectors, you probably feel highly aligned with this style of decision-making and will find it easier to understand and communicate with Connectors from this perspective compared to other Creatives.

On the other hand, if you are a Creative Pioneer, then this can be a source of direct conflict because you will tend to prioritize logical frameworks, strategic effectiveness, and objective standards over relational harmony. It’s not that you don’t appreciate people, but it comes down to the fundamental belief of the Creative Pioneer that objective truth and logical consistency are more important than people’s feelings and relationships. For the Creative Pioneer, this is ultimately how people are best served, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the moment. Creative Pioneers would tend to chase solutions to abstract, objective problems while Connectors would tend to pursue courses of action directly related to improving the wellbeing of others. This difference in how you make decisions is why Creative Pioneers may struggle to connect with Connectors.

When interacting with Connectors, it’s important to show them that you respect their opinions, their vision for people, and the relationships they are bringing to the table. If you can help Connectors see how your framework, logic, and criteria for making decisions take people into consideration AND strategically advances the organization, then you’ll find them much more receptive to your perspective and critique.


Rules of Engagement for Connecting with Connectors

• Encourage Connectors to sell their ideas as passionately as they can.
• When Connectors share a new idea with you, don’t critique it at first. Start by celebrating, and only begin collaborating if asked. Remind them that your practical and detailed questions are not personal.
• Affirm their energy, passion, and ability to communicate in a way that connects with others.

Connecting with Guardians

When connecting with Guardians, it’s important to remember that they are the champions of due diligence, resources, and efficient systems and processes. As a Creative, you are the champion of future ideas, innovation, and organizational integrity.

It is also important to note that certain types of Creatives (Creative Connectors) might find it more difficult to connect with Guardians while other Creatives (Creative Pioneers) will find it slightly easier given that they have a bit more overlap and similarity with the Guardian on their decision-making preferences.

For Creative Connectors, it is important to realize that Guardians are directly opposite of you in how they process information AND how they make decisions. For this reason, they are your “Nemesis Voice”. This doesn’t mean they have to be your enemy, it just means they see the world in a way that is diametrically opposed from how you see the world.

Neither view is better or worse than the other, they are simply different. Each Voice is valuable and brings a certain perspective and skill that the other does not have. It is crucial that you are aware of these differences as you seek to connect with Guardians.


Processing Information

Guardians are very present-oriented, which means they process information with an eye toward the present state of things, absorbing all the details of what is happening in the here and the now, especially as it relates to systems, processes, and tangible things. They prefer to move through the world in a sequential way, starting with “what is” and then moving forward one step at a time. They are highly detailed, and prefer to work with concrete information.

Creatives on the other hand are very future-oriented, which means you process information and your experiences in the world with an eye toward the future, the possibilities, and the vision for “what could be?”. You focus on the big-picture, looking for patterns behind what’s on the surface of things.

When interacting with Guardians, you may find their focus on the present, their attention to detail, and their desire to see each step laid out on the path to your vision as slowing you down, which can be frustrating. Additionally, when it comes to making changes, Guardians prefer incremental adjustments over time, and tend to avoid making drastic changes, which might also be frustrating for you. But while their step-by-step approach to understanding the world around them drastically differs from all Creatives (whether Creative Connector or Creative Pioneer), learning to appreciate this perspective can help you tremendously in your efforts to make your vision a reality.

Take time to affirm their desire for process, order, and tangible results. Pay attention to their concerns, and then invite them to build the bridge with you to the future you see.


Decision Making

When it comes to decision-making, Guardians tend to make decisions based on what seems logical, rational, objectively true, and systematically effective. It doesn’t mean that they don’t like people, but they tend to prefer separating people, emotions, and the relational impact of actions and decisions from the decision-making process.

For Creative Pioneers, you probably feel highly aligned with this style of decision-making and will find it easier to understand and communicate with Guardians from this perspective compared to other Creatives.

On the other hand, if you are a Creative Connector, then this can be a source of direct conflict because you will tend to prioritize people and relational harmony over maximizing process efficiency. It’s not that you don’t want or appreciate those efficiency (you do!), but it comes from the Creative Connector’s fundamental commitment to people as more important than profit, and the belief that an outcome that doesn’t prioritize people is inherently not the most productive result. Additionally, you might find the direct questions and possible lack of tone or tact as offensive, and harmful to relational harmony.

When interacting with Guardians, it’s important to not take questions or critique personally and to do your research. Aim to ground your opinions and work in data, research, and logical arguments in order to gain greater influence, connectivity, and respect from Guardians. If you can help Guardians see how something makes the process better AND improves people’s lives through a concrete, tangible plan of action then you’ll find them much more receptive to your perspective.


Rules of Engagement for Connecting with Guardians

• Encourage and invite Guardians to keep asking the difficult questions - it’ll save you a lot of time, money, and hassle in the end.
• Commit to staying engaged with the Guardian’s questions for as long as you can - they are the champions of due diligence and this is how they protect resources, systems, and processes.
• Affirm the Guardian’s commitment to the truth and stewardship of financial resources.


Connecting with Pioneers

When connecting with Pioneers, it’s important to remember that they are the Champion of strategic vision, results-focus, and problem solving. As a Creative, there are some attributes of the Pioneer Voice that align with how you view the world, with a few important differences.


Processing Information

Like you, Pioneers are very much future-oriented and big picture thinkers. They process information and their experiences in the world with an eye toward the future, the possibilities, and the vision for “what could be?”. You will likely find an easy connection with this approach to the world and processing information as it should feel similar to you as a Creative. So spend time with Pioneers visioning the future. Discuss big picture problems and opportunities, collaborate, and invite them to help you strategize potential solutions that can help you and the team win.


Decision Making

When it comes to decision-making, it’s important to remember the differences between the two Creative Voices.

Pioneers tend to make decisions based on what seems logical, rational, objectively true, and strategically effective. It doesn’t mean that they don’t like people, or that they don’t have deeply held values. What it does mean, however, is that they find it easier to separate people, emotions, and the relational impact of actions and decisions from the decision-making process. When push comes to shove, Pioneers tend to value objective, logical truth or strategic effectiveness over relational harmony.

For Creative Pioneers, you probably feel highly aligned with this style of decision-making and will find it easier to understand and communicate with Pioneers from this perspective compared to other Creatives.

On the other hand, Creative Connectors are more relational by nature. Creative Connectors prefer to make decisions based on relational harmony, and tend to prioritize how the decision will affect the people involved. This can be a source of direct conflict, however, because Pioneers will tend to prioritize logical frameworks, strategic effectiveness, and objective standards over relational harmony. What’s more, how they communicate these decisions and criteria can make Creative Connectors feel like the Pioneer doesn’t care about people or views others as pawns to be manipulated. This is where the greatest potential conflict and tension may come from between the Creative Connector and Pioneer. This does not mean that Creative Connectors avoid using logic when making decisions, and it does not mean that Pioneers are heartless - it simply means that their default starting point and way of making decisions are very different so their communication must be intentional with one another.

When interacting with Pioneers, Creatives should try to present their ideas using logical frameworks, data, and an objective perspective. Be concise and to the point. If you can present your ideas and the great vision you see for people with this in mind, then you will find Pioneers much more receptive to your ideas and perspective.


Rules of Engagement for Connecting with Pioneers

• Invite other Pioneers to give their view or opinion before stating yours.
• Even though they can likely handle it, don’t assume they’re asking you to critique their ideas. Ask first.
• Be mindful of their preference for how reflective or expressive they are, as well as how adaptive or structured they are.
• Commit to giving Pioneers space and authority to pursue the objective - don’t micromanage them.
• Affirm their capacity for strategic thinking and invite them to collaborate to help the team win.

Connecting with other Creatives

When it comes to connecting with other Creatives, it’s important to note that just because two Creatives have the same Foundational Voice, it doesn’t mean that you will always align. Even though you process information in similar ways, certain Creative Voices may make decisions in a slightly different way when considering the Creative Connector versus the Creative Pioneer. In fact, this is likely to be the biggest point of potential conflict between Creative Voices. But, even if you are working with Creatives of the same top two Voices, misalignment is still possible. For all Creatives, integrity is a very important core value. Anything that undermines or calls into question another Creative’s integrity is likely to create conflict. Creatives tend to avoid full-blown conflicts, but in the event that one like this does arise, there is a chance that tensions could escalate into a heated exchange as their values and integrity drive a forceful or passionate response. Leverage the following rules of engagement when connecting with other Creatives to help create the best possible environment for productive collaboration and teamwork.


Rules of Engagement for Connecting with Creatives

• Encourage Creatives to dream big, letting them know it’s okay to be wrong sometimes - no one is perfect.
• Ask clarifying questions and commit to drawing out the Creative’s thought process before critiquing their ideas. Sometimes it takes a few rounds of questioning to mine out the gold in what they are trying to communicate.
• Affirm the Creative’s commitment to integrity and the ability to see the future in a way others can’t.

Ready to apply the insights of being a Creative Pioneer?

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